My 3 Step System For Maximum Productivity - Episode 12

My 3 Step System For Maximum Productivity - Episode 12

Ever feel like you have 10 thousand things to do and you aren't sure where to start? I've been there too!

Today I wanted to share with you my 3 step system for streamlining your to do list and actually getting more done. I truly believe that you can do anything - but not everything - however with this system you'll be making the most of the time you have, even when you are juggling all the things! 

So how does this system work? There are 3 parts to this system: 

1. Brain Dump - this can be messy. Just get everything out of your head!

2. Categorise & Prioritise - Grade your list from the brain dump and allocate it as an A, B or C priority. 

3. Time Block - I create 30 minute or 60 minute time blocks in my calendar and allocate my important tasks so that I can start working through them. 

Listen in more detail with this podcast episode: 


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