Amanda McKinney on The Consistency Corner Podcast

Powering Up Your Productivity: Embracing Accountability with Amanda McKinney (episode 193)

From CEO Chaos to Calm: Unleash Your Productivity Superpowers

Picture this: It's 2 AM, and you're still hunched over your laptop, surrounded by empty coffee cups and a to-do list longer than a CVS receipt. Sound familiar? We've all been there, desperately trying to squeeze more hours out of the day, wondering if this is really what we signed up for when we decided to be our own boss. But what if I told you there's a way to break free from this cycle of chaos and reclaim your CEO superpowers?

Let's face it, being an entrepreneur isn't for the faint of heart. It's a rollercoaster ride of highs, lows, and "holy crap, what am I doing?" moments. But here's the thing: you don't have to white-knuckle your way through it alone. There are strategies and systems you can put in place to tame the chaos, boost your productivity, and actually enjoy the journey. So grab your cape (or your favorite comfy sweater), and let's dive into how you can transform from frazzled founder to productivity powerhouse.

Ready to unleash your productivity potential? Checkout episode 193 of The Consistency Corner Podcast, featuring accountability guru Amanda McKinney. She spills the tea on how she went from corporate castaway to entrepreneurial powerhouse. Trust me, it's better than any Netflix binge (okay, maybe tied with Bridgerton).

The 90-Day Goal Glow-Up

Ditch the Year-Long Snoozefest

Let's be honest, annual goals are about as exciting as watching paint dry. They start with a bang in January, then fizzle out faster than your neighbor's New Year's resolution to go to the gym. Enter the 90-day sprint - the Goldilocks of goal-setting. It's long enough to accomplish something meaningful, but short enough to keep you motivated and focused.

Think of it like binge-watching your favorite show on Netflix. You're much more likely to stay engaged and see it through when you know there's an end in sight. Plus, breaking your big, hairy, audacious goals into 90-day chunks makes them feel way less overwhelming. It's like taking that mountain you want to climb and focusing on conquering one peak at a time.

Weekly Check-Ins: Your New BFF

Now that you've got your 90-day goal, it's time to make it happen. Enter the weekly check-in, your new best friend in the productivity world. Each week, ask yourself: "What's one thing I can do to inch closer to my 90-day goal?" It's like having a personal cheerleader in your pocket, minus the pom-poms and peppy chants.

This simple question keeps you focused and moving forward, even when life gets chaotic (because let's face it, it always does). Maybe this week you can tackle that website update you've been putting off, or finally send that pitch to your dream client. Whatever it is, breaking it down into weekly actions makes your goal feel doable and keeps you accountable. Plus, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of checking something off your list. It's like a little dopamine hit for your entrepreneurial brain.

Embrace the "Good Enough" Revolution

The 70% Rule: Because Perfection is So Last Season

We've all been there - agonizing over every detail, convinced that if it's not perfect, it's not worth doing. But here's a little secret: perfection is overrated. In fact, it's probably holding you back. Enter the 70% rule: aim for consistency rather than perfection. Why 70%? Because life happens, and sometimes Netflix and wine need to happen too.

This isn't about lowering your standards. It's about being realistic and kind to yourself. If you can show up and give 70% consistently, you'll make way more progress than if you only show up when you can give 100%. Think about it: 70% effort 100% of the time beats 100% effort 10% of the time any day of the week. Plus, by letting go of the need for perfection, you'll find yourself actually enjoying the process more. And isn't that why we became entrepreneurs in the first place?

Done is the New Perfect

It's time to make "done is better than perfect" your new mantra. Repeat it to yourself in the mirror, stick it on a Post-it note on your laptop, heck, get it tattooed on your forearm if you need to (temporary tattoos work too). The point is, taking imperfect action consistently will propel you further than waiting for everything to be just right.

Think about it: how many brilliant ideas have you sat on because you were waiting for the "perfect" time or until you had every detail figured out? Probably more than you'd like to admit. But here's the truth: there's no such thing as perfect timing or perfect execution. The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who are willing to put themselves out there, learn from their mistakes, and keep moving forward. So the next time you find yourself stuck in analysis paralysis, remember: done is the new perfect.

Outsource Like a Queen

Identify Your Kryptonite

We all have those tasks that make us want to fake our own disappearance and flee to a remote island. You know the ones - they drain your energy, suck up your time, and leave you feeling like you've accomplished nothing. Guess what? Those are prime candidates for outsourcing.

Take a moment to identify your kryptonite tasks. Maybe it's bookkeeping, social media management, or customer service. Whatever it is, acknowledge that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Your time and energy are precious resources, and as the CEO of your business, you need to invest them wisely.

Reclaim Your Crown

By delegating the soul-sucking tasks, you free up time to do what you do best: being the visionary badass your business needs. Think of outsourcing as your secret weapon for reclaiming your CEO mojo. It's not about being lazy or incapable - it's about focusing your energy where it matters most.

When you outsource, you're not just buying back your time. You're investing in your sanity, your creativity, and your ability to see the big picture. Plus, you're creating opportunities for others and building a team that can help take your business to the next level. So go ahead, pass that crown to someone else for the tasks that drain you, and save your royal energy for ruling your empire.

You've got this, CEO. It's time to stop drowning in to-do lists and start ruling your empire like the boss you are. Remember, consistent doesn't mean constant - it means showing up for yourself and your business in a way that's sustainable and, dare I say, enjoyable. By setting killer 90-day goals, embracing weekly check-ins, letting go of perfection, and outsourcing like a queen, you're well on your way to unleashing your true productivity superpowers.

Now, it's time to put these strategies into action. Start by choosing one area to focus on this week. Maybe it's setting your first 90-day goal, or identifying a task you can outsource. Whatever it is, take that first step. Remember, done is better than perfect!

P.S. For more tips on creating a marketing strategy that doesn't make you want to pull your hair out, connect with The Consistency Corner. Download our Service Guide and learn what it's like having a marketing partner who gets it, and a team who gets it done. 

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