How To Use a Virtual Summit To Increase Your Visibility with Kylie Kelly - Episode 102

How To Use a Virtual Summit To Increase Your Visibility with Kylie Kelly - Episode 102

Today I'm so excited to bring my friend Kylie back to the podcast, this time to talk all about how you can become more visible as a business owner, through hosting your own virtual summit. She shared so much value about the process, as well as a good dose of honesty about the results she's seen and how summits have fast-tracked everything for her.

If you want to listen to the episode in full, press play below:


So, how can we use virtual summits to increase our visibility? 

This is what we covered in today's episode, as well as: 

  • How Kylie was able to grow her email list really FAST through virtual summits and how she made sure that a summit energetically made sense for her. 
  • The importance of showing up consistently - and how you only fail if you decide to quit. 
  • How virtual summits can be a powerful tool to grow your audience and the top of your funnel - and fast track your relationship with your new leads. 
  • You don't need an existing email list to start hosting your own summits - but the key is to align yourself with speakers that have your ideal client as a part of their audience. 
  • The different types of visibility strategies you can choose from, depending on your goal. 

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