Copy Writing Formulas to Save You Time with Kayla Ybanez - Episode 104

It's time to meet the incredible Kayla Ybanez! Kayla is a top industry business coach and international public speaker that helps empower Network Marketers to trust that they do not need to copy their upline to have a successful Network Marketing business.
Kayla says goodbye to outdated strategies like icky “hey girl” cold messages and HELLO to changing societal norms about the Network Marketing industry.
If you want to listen to the episode in full, press play below:
So, what exactly did we cover this episode?
- How Kayla honed her copywriting skills
- How copywriting can help grow your business
- How to get started when you are sitting down to write your own copy
- If you have success without social media- do you even need it?
Connect with Kayla
Ybanez Media's IG
Kayla's Podcast
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