The Instagram 9-Grid Planning Pack is the blue print to turn your Instagram profile into a strategic sales tool!
Need support in the strategy of your Instagram 9-Grid? I got you!
The Planning Pack will give you a road map for what to put inside each square's caption, with prompts and direction for the intent of each post.
Paired with our 9 Grid Canva Templates, you'll have a visually cohesive graphic and captivating captions to nurture your ideal audience.
You could spend hours wondering what to say in each post, or throw spaghetti at the wall and hope. But you don't have to.
Get the 9-Grid Planning Pack with a Video Tutorial, Brand Messaging Checklist, Grid Blueprint Spreadsheet and ChatGPT prompts to pull it all together!
YES! I need the planning packThese 9-Grid planning templates are the exact roadmap I use to create an organized and thoughtful grid for my clients.
No more panic as you try to figure out where to start, what to say, or how to put it all together.
No more guessing how to create a dynamic grid that is cohesive and serves your audience.
This framework walks you through the brand details you need to include in your content, and a blue print to package it into 9 neat little squares!
With this template in your content corner, you will easily:
- Get those key brand details out of your head and on paper, so you know EXACTLY what to share.
- Have a clear picture of how each post will work TOGETHER to support your brand message AND business goals.
- Discover copy writing tips to write captivating captions for your 9-Grid.
- Feel confident that your 9-Grid is helping you build credibility and authority in your market.
- And the best part? These captions can be repurposed in emails, other social platforms and sales copy!
Trust me when I tell you—people are going to take notice when they take a peek at your profile!
When you have a strategic 9-Grid, your brand will reap the rewards with clear messaging that nurtures, and converts...on autopilot!
Grab the Planning Pack!