Simplified Content Package: Grande

This package is for you if:

Your brand has some established creative but may need updated or your messaging needs dialed in.  

What you'll get:

  • A Done-for-You 9-Grid: 9 Instagram Posts fully designed with graphics, captions and hashtags. Nurture your ideal customer, and show her how and why your brand sparkles. Includes an Instagram Bio refresh! 
  • Mini Brand AuditClarify your brand pillars to build authority around your expertise. Learn how to position your unique value to drive conversion. Review or develop your Mission, Vision, and Values, Ideal Customer, and messaging. 
  • 90 Day Marketing Roadmap: Your new 9-Grid will be your home base to intrigue and inform your audience. From there, we’ll build custom strategies around attracting attention to your grid and converting sales - all on your schedule. Meet your business goals by developing a marketing plan (with Ruthie!) without the overwhelm and indecision. 
  • Planning and feedback will be done via 1 60 minute and 1 30 minute collaboration Zoom call, plus Voxer or Slack check-ins. Entire project will be delivered within 2 weeks of kick off call.


What People Are Saying:

Before I started working with Ruthie I had pretty much stopped posting on social media all together. I was burned out & bored. During our hour together she was able to map out multiple different themes I could use and showed me how to break a part my content planning. One day find your photos, the next day write your copy and then plan your posts! Over the last month or so I’ve gained followers and my engagement is up like 200%. If you’re bored and burned out let Ruthie help!

Amy, @createbakerandgifts

2 Payments of $1100

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases




This SIMPLIFIED CONTENT PLAN WITH DONE FOR YOU 9 GRID, GRANDE PACKAGE AGREEMENT, (hereinafter: “the Agreement”) is entered into and effective as of Date of purchase(hereinafter: the “Effective Date”) by and between THE PURCHASER (hereinafter: “the Client”) and THE CONSISTENCY CORNER, LLC] (hereinafter: “the Company”), and (collectively) “the Parties”. This Agreement sets forth the legally binding terms and conditions for the services and/or access to materials provided by the Company. 


IN CONSIDERATION OF this Agreement, the Parties hereby acknowledge, understand and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. 



1.1 The services selected by the Client are:  SIMPLIFIED CONTENT PLAN WITH DONE FOR YOU 9 GRID, GRANDE PACKAGE (hereinafter: the “Services”). The Services are to begin on: [DATE SELECTED BY Client, via calendly link and completed within 10 business days of initial consult call. 



2.1 The Parties agree to the following services:  (hereinafter: the “Services”).

2.2. Done For You Instagram Grid design with graphics/images, caption and hashtags for 9 instagram posts. Content will be delivered within 10 business days of the consultation call.  One round of revisions allowed, up to 2 hours of editing. Requests for edits must be provided within 3 business days of delivery of finished content, edits will be made within a 2 business day window once received from Client. 

2.3 Brand Audit Clarifying your brand content pillars, brand mission, vision, values, ideal customer, colors, and fonts. 

2.4. 12 week calendar with prompts for additional activations discussed during consultation and delivered via Google Sheet calendar.  This is a suggestion with ideas based on our conversation. Edits to this document are not available from The Consistency Corner, but you will have edit access and can change however you prefer. 

2.5. 1 Additional creative project (not to exceed 3 hours of execution by The Consistency Corner, ex: podcast cover, offer branding, email templates, stories templates, logo package), to be determined during our collaboration calls. 



3.1 The Client agrees that they are responsible for implementing their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from the Services. 


3.2 The Client further agrees and accepts that they are fully responsible for their own progress and results throughout the Services and will communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the Services. 


3.3 The Client will provide the following prior to or on the day of the consultation call:  

a. Canva access required, or delivery by client to The Consistency Corner of all current  logos, brand colors, fonts, photos and additional brand assets. 

b. Client will provide information during the consultation calls about their ideal client, company history, offer suite, mission, values and any other necessary marketing collateral. 

c. Prior to call client will complete the following intake form:

3.4 The Client is responsible for the following after the consultation call:  

a. Client will answer questions that come up about their brand and business during the 10 day design window via Voxer or email in order to provide Company with needed information to effectively customize content. 

b. Client requests for edits must be provided within 3 business days of delivery of finished content. Edit requests can be made via email, comments on Google Doc or 30 minute call scheduled here: 




4.1 The Client agrees and understands that the fee for the Services is $ 1750.00 pay in full, or 2 payments of $925.00, plus applicable taxes. The fee is payable in advance of the Services. 


4.2 The Company accepts payment through PAYPAL and Kajabi Payments, as mutually agreed upon between the Parties and the Client understands they will be charged in the amounts as outlined herein on the corresponding due dates as outlined by the Company, as stated on the payable invoice. 


4.3 The Client authorizes upon their first transaction for the Company to charge their preferred payment method provided in accordance with the payment plan selected. The Client agrees to provide complete, current, and accurate payment information and to update the Company should any payment information change, prior to the payment due date.


4.4 If payment is not received from your prescribed payment option, the Client agrees to pay all amounts due upon demand, together with any applicable collection costs. The Client accepts that the Services may be refused if payment has not been made as required by this Agreement, and that the Company reserves the right to cancel any Services, and or terminate this Agreement if there is a failure in paying the required fees. 



5.1 The Company offers the following refund policy on this service: No refunds. If you need to reschedule your consultation, please contact The Consistency Corner.  If the client wishes to terminate this agreement prior to the scope of work being completed, the payment may be applied to an alternate scope package, but any upgrades are subject to the discretion of the Company. 



6.1 The Client agrees to engage in 1 consultation session(s), prior to the creation of the 9 GRID and additional creative projects by The Company.  The time and date of the session(s) will be determined and mutually agreed to, by the Parties. The sessions shall be 90 minutes in length.


6.2 In addition to the consultation call, the Client may have further access to the Company through the prescribed method of Voxer Messages for 5 business days after delivery of the final package. The Company will make reasonable efforts to respond within 24 hours between Monday and Friday excluding all weekends and Nationally recognized holidays. 



7.1 In the event of rescheduling, the Client agrees to notify the Company 24 hours in advance of any scheduled session that needs to be rescheduled. The Client further accepts that without notice, the Client will be charged for the session. If they are late to a session, the session will remain to expire at the scheduled time. The Client further understands they forfeit the session if they are more than 30 minutes late to a session.



8.1 The Client understands that either Party may terminate this Agreement by written notice 72 hours prior to any scheduled session. Any such written notice must be sent to: [email protected]. Please refer to the refund policy if the agreement is terminated. 



9.1 The Company agrees to respect the Client’s confidential and proprietary information, ideas, plans and trade secrets and further agrees to not disclose any information pertaining to the Client, nor the Client’s name, without the Client’s written consent. The Client agrees to give the Company permission to keep a confidential record of the Client’s name, contact information, and any documented notes throughout the Services.


9.2 The Client understands that the Company and Client relationship does not constitute a legally confidential relationship (as is in the medical and legal professions) and therefore understands that communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. 



10.1 The Client agrees and understands that the Company has created numerous original, creative works in connection with the Services, and agrees that the Company maintains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all original or derivative content associated with or included in the Services. The Client agrees they may be granted a limited right to use selected materials in the course of their own business, but understands that the rights remain with the Company. 


10.2 The Client agrees and understands they are not to copy, repost, alter, publish, sell, assist others in selling, manipulate, distribute, or in any way exploit any of the content or intellectual property provided by the Company or obtained through working with the Company, without the Company’s express written consent. If such behavior is discovered or suspected, the Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without refund and reserves the right to prosecute any actionable infringement or misuse to the full extent of the law.  



11.1 The Company makes no representations, warranties, guarantees or promises verbally or in writing pertaining to the achievement of any level of results from the Client’s participation in or use of the Services. The Client understands and agrees that they are voluntarily choosing to enroll in the Services and are solely responsible for any outcomes or results. While the Company believes in their Services, the Client acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not responsible nor liable to the Client should the Client incur any harm, or encounter any negative ramifications. The Client accepts that they are fully responsible for their own health and well-being, including participation in Services and any results therein. 


11.2 The Client understands that the Company does not offer any professional, medical, psychological or financial advice and that it is their exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed. 


11.3 The Client understands that the Services are not therapy, and/or counseling, and therefore does not substitute therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. The Client confirms and agrees that they will not use Company as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, mental health care or substance abuse treatment. The Client understands that if during the course of the Services, the Company feels that the nature of discussion is outside of the scope in which the Company is able to provide services, that the Company will either refer the Client to someone else, and/or terminate the Services with a partial refund. 



12.1 The Client shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, from and against any and all liabilities and expense whatsoever and further agrees that the Company is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of the Services and/or materials provided by the Company. In no event shall the Company be liable to the Client for any indirect, consequential or special damages. 



13.1 The Client shall not at any time directly or indirectly take any action and/or make, publish, file or record any oral or written statements that would likely have a negative or injurious impact upon, or that is derogatory, defamatory, libel or slanderous in nature to the Company and/or the Company’s Services in any way. 



14.1 In the event a dispute arises out of this Agreement and cannot be resolved by mutual consent, the Parties agree to attempt to mediate in good faith for up to thirty [30] days after notice is given. If the dispute is not so resolved, and in the event of legal action, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover the attorney’s fee and associated court costs from the other Party. 



15.1 If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.  If the Court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. 



16.1 Either Party may choose to be excused of any further performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of either Party that materially affects the performance of the Services, such as: 

  • an act of God (inclusive of natural disasters, fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, storms or infestation);

  • or other (inclusive of hostility, war, invasion); 

  • or any hazardous situation created outside the control of either Party (inclusive of a riot, pandemic, disorder, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of impending terrorism). 



17.1 This Agreement shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with the laws of Manatee County, Florida 



18.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and permissible assigns. 

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