Your new Instagram strategy—SET IT and FORGET IT!
An Instagram 9-Grid is a curated block of—you guessed it—NINE Instagram posts that explain who you are and what you offer. It is highly stylized in your brand aesthetic, stacked with full captions that do the marketing heavy lifting, and pinned at the top of your grid to captivate everyone who is curious about what you do.
Once the 9-Grid is posted, that’s it. It acts as a static informational landing page for anyone who visits your Instagram profile. It looks professional and checks the box for showing up on social media in a way your potential customers expect.
With your new 9-Grid content strategy, you can:
- Take Instagram posting off of your to-do list for good.
- Maintain the expectations of having a social media presence.
- Spend your time on things that matter to you.
- Redirect your marketing efforts to strategies that get you the ROI you need.
- Get back to the real work of actually running your business.
- Exhale and know you made a decision that is right for you.

Less Stress. Less Guilt. More Time.
This strategy is working for TONS of business owners who want their brand to sparkle, but don’t have the time to constantly sprinkle the glitter.
I know letting go of Instagram posting sounds like some kind of delightful fever dream.
Are people really doing this? Absolutely.
What do you have to lose if…
✓ You’re not sure that your customers find you on Instagram anyway, but you know you can still leverage social media for the ones who happen to find your profile.
✓ You don’t really care about the freaking algorithm. It hasn’t done you any favors with your typical “post and ghost” style.
✓ You would rather spend your time connecting to people through networking and long-form content that brings in real leads.
✓ Constantly worrying about posting is stressing you out and it would be nice to not have to think about it anymore.
It’s not a dream. An Instagram-free life can be your reality.

Get a Done For You 9-Grid in Three Simple Steps

Apply here and we will create a custom plan for you!

Meet with Ruthie via Zoom to discuss ideas and plan your 9-Grid content.

Ruthie designs your squares and writes your captions and the 9-Grid is installed onto your Instagram feed.
You have the time and energy to run your business optimally and implement a marketing strategy that works for you.
Here’s what others have said working with
The Consistency Corner...

Compelling Content
Ruthie is a gift for any business that needs to get serious about marketing their business but doesn't have the talent or know how to do it effectively. She has a unique ability to pull out what makes a firm special and radiate it with compelling, can't miss content that grabs both attention and emotional resonance.
Laura Taylor, All Point Retail CMO

I'm Stunned
You are a genius. I honestly have no feedback for you. I spent a long time reading and re-reading what you crafted in addition to looking at the grid and imagining what consumers will think and feel. They will feel loved and understood, that is for sure. I feel like crying because you listened and you heard me. Thank you so much, Ruthie.
Becky Clabaugh, Money Mindset Coach

So Simple
I loved how simple the process was for me. A quick call, some documents shared, and a few days later a draft to edit appeared in my inbox. If being on the hamster wheel of social media content creation is affecting your mental health and pushing you to the edge of burn out, this 9-Grid is a great solution. And Ruthie made the process so easy.
Alison Heilig, Fitness Coach
Have Questions?
Take a look at some frequently asked questions from prospective and current clients.
How long can an Instagram 9-grid stay up?
How much time will this project take?
Is the Instagram 9-grid a template or a finished piece of content?
What if I don’t like the Instagram 9-grid? Can I get revisions?
If I have an Instagram 9-grid of posts do I have to keep doing reels and stories?
I’ve heard you talk about the importance of long form content…what if I don’t have a blog or podcast?
Do I have to keep creating emails?
What if I want you to do more for me?
Are you ready to plan your custom Instagram 9-Grid so you can walk away from Instagram knowing you are leaving something awesome behind for potential clients to find?
Let’s talk about how this strategy can give you the time to meet your goals and grow your business.
The starting price for this customizable, premium service is $1500.
Still not sure if this if for you...
Try a 3-Grid!
If you like the idea of a set-it-and-forget it strategy, but aren't ready to fully commit to a 9-Grid, you need a 3-Grid. These are the 3 pinned posts at the top of your Instagram profile, optimized for sales. Book a Done For You 3-Grid now!
Learn More